
How to Fix Printer Error 0x0000011b on Windows 10/11

How Can I Resolve Printer Error 0x0000011b? Windows 10 or Windows 11 should make it simple to print documents. To print a document, you must first open it and then choose Print or press Ctrl and P. Unfortunately, error number 0x0000011b might often prevent you from connecting to your printer, so stopping your plans.

Follow the following troubleshooting steps to resolve this troubling error code.

Fix Windows 10/11 Cannot Connect To The Printer Error 0x0000011b

Recent Windows Updates should be uninstalled
If the error code 0x0000011b starts showing up after you install the most recent Windows updates, try uninstalling them and see if that resolves the problem. Several Windows 11 users said that removing KB5005565 and KB5005568 resolved the problem.
  • Open the Settings menu.
  • To uninstall a program, click on Uninstall a program.
  • After that, click View updates that have been installed.
  • Choose the most recent updates and click the Uninstall button.

You can also use Command Prompt to remove Windows updates that you have already installed.

  • Click the Search button to get started.
  • Type cmd in the search box.
  • Right-click on the item and choose “Run as administrator” to start Command Prompt.
  • Then, at the command prompt, type wusa /uninstall /kb:. Enter the KB number after the colon.
  • For example, if you want to get rid of KB5004567, you would type wusa /uninstall /kb:KB5004567 in the command line.
After uninstalling the updates, check to see whether your computer can still connect to your printer. If the error 0x0000011b persists, reinstall your printer using its IP address.

You may, of course, temporarily deactivate automatic updates. When you restart your computer, Windows will automatically download and install the latest updates, re-starting error 0x0000011b.

Add The Printer Manually Using The Printer’s IP Address

  • Go into the configurations.
  • Choose Bluetooth and Devices.
  • Select Printing & Scanning from the menu.
  • In order to add a printer or scanner, go to the Add device page and then click the Add printer or scanner button.
  • If the printer you want to add is not shown, choose that option.
  • To add a printer over a network, choose Add a printer over a network and enter the printer’s TCP/IP address or hostname.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen and manually enter the IP address of the printer.
  • Click Next to connect your computer to your printer.
  • Print a test sheet to make sure that your printer is operating properly.

Disable Print Spooler RPC Encryption

To fix error 0x0000011b, Microsoft suggests turning off the client and server-side privacy settings for the print spooler. Windows will automatically encrypt RPC connections with network printers and print servers when the RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled Registry value is set to 1. Disabling this option off will get rid of the 0x0000011b error.

  • Start by launching the Registry Editor.
  • Follow the navigate HKEY LOCAL MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPrint.
  • By right-clicking the Print key, you may choose New DWORD-32 bit Value.
  • RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled is the new key’s name.
  • Double-click the newly generated key and set its value to zero (zero).
  • Check whether your Windows computer can connect to your printer after restarting it.

Final Words:

To get rid of 0x0000011b error messages when printing in Windows 11, delete any updates you have already installed, previously KBKB5005565 and KB5005568. Then, manually add the printer using its IP address. If the problem keeps happening, turn off Print Spooler RPC encryption.

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