
8 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps You Must Try

The most well-liked apps for intermittent fasting are shown below, along with reviews from users.

Due to its success, intermittent fasting (IF) is being incorporated into weight-control plans all around the world. As more people jump on board and enjoy remarkable results, strong data support it.

As we all understand, the key to losing weight is to consume less calories than your maintenance level. The fact that fasting can rewire your metabolism increases the effectiveness of this weight-loss strategy.

The simplest way to begin is by using an app for intermittent fasting on your smartphone, which also allows you to carry on the practise from a distance. Let’s first go over the basics before I talk about some of the best intermittent fasting apps in this tutorial.

Warning: Although Intermittent Fasting is generally regarded as safe, it’s always a good idea to be cautious and consult a healthcare professional before starting this weight loss eating programme because you will be changing your eating habits.

Intermittent fasting: What Is It?

Simply said, intermittent fasting is an eating pattern in which you alternate between fasting for a set amount of time and eating for the remaining time of the day.

This kind of weight loss plan places less emphasis on WHAT you eat and more on WHEN you eat because the objective is to fast for a set period of time before eating.

You can also decide to only eat one meal a day for two days a week, or you can decide to fast for 16 hours each day and eat for the remaining 8 hours. Similar to that, there are other ways to implement this programme.

All of these offer additional health advantages that are listed below, in addition to helping your body burn fat.

What Are Intermittent Fasting’s Health Advantages?

Numerous studies have shown that intermittent fasting is beneficial for your body’s overall health as well as your brain.

Research-backed advantages of intermittent fasting include the following:

  • activates critical cellular repair mechanisms.
  • increases human growth hormone (HGH) levels in the blood, which can help to promote muscular growth & fat loss.
  • reduces oxidative damage, inflammation, and insulin resistance.
  • maybe makes it possible for you to live a longer life.
  • strengthens heart health
  • Additionally, a number of studies also suggested that it might help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Intermittent Fasting Schedules and Plans of Different Types

Understanding the various forms of intermittent fasting and what they include can help you choose the one that is best for you before you start. The four most popular choices are listed below.

Eating at a Certain Time

This option involves a set number of hours each day for eating and fasting. You might spend 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating, for instance.

This strategy has the advantage that we already fast when we sleep, so you wouldn’t have to keep your overnight fast going until noon. It means skipping breakfast and going straight to lunch.

There is also the 14/10 method for time-specific eating in addition to the 14/10 strategy. Fasting for 14 hours and eating for the remaining 10.

Since neither method drastically changes your eating habit, they are both suitable for beginners trying intermittent fasting for the first time.

Fasting for 24 Hours

In this option, you would fast for the entire day as the name says. As a general rule, people fast from breakfast to lunch or lunch, thus this option should only be utilised once or twice a week. For the remaining six or five days of the week, it means you would resume your regular eating routine.

This decision may have unfavourable repercussions like weariness, headaches, and sluggishness.

Alternate Day Fasting

Alternate Day Fasting Alternate-day fasting involves skipping meals one day, then resuming a regular diet the next. This cycle is repeated each day of the week. You would ingest 500 calories on fasting days, or about 25% of your average daily intake.

Double-Weekly Diets

In this option, you would fast for two days each week and then take a rest day. So let’s say you fast every Wednesday and Friday. For the remaining five days, you would follow your regular diet.

It is typical to eat 200–300 calorie meals with fibre and protein on the two fasting days to keep you feeling full without going over your calorie allotment.

During a Clean Intermittent Fast, What Can You Eat?

You should keep a clean and balanced diet throughout the week, even if your primary attention would be on when to fast and when to eat.

Though there are technically no restrictions on what you can eat, it’s always a good idea to eat a balanced diet that gives you enough energy and nutrition for your everyday activities.

The Top 8 Intermittent Fasting Apps for 2022 to Keep You Fit

The Best Apps to Make Intermittent Fasting a Little Easier will now be discussed after all of that.

1. Zero


If we talk about the best and leading Intermittent Fasting Apps, users of the Zero app have had excellent intermittent fasting results, which is why it remains one of the most popular options for intermittent fasting talk. Additionally, it is the ideal manual for beginners starting this weight loss programme.

Zero: Fasting & Health Tracker offers articles and suggestions on how to lose weight and what drinks to drink for the best results. It also has a fantastic “mood graph” function that you can use to track any patterns while eating particular foods and evaluate your mood while fasting.

Zero can be customised to your preferences and the type of intermittent fasting you engage in.

2. Ate


Are you still searching for the Best Apps for Intermittent Fasting 2022? With its eye-catching design and useful features, the app Ate will hold your attention. You may track the time between meals and snacks using this visually appealing food journal.

Because it encourages you to post your meal selections on social media so that you can review them later, this app has a strong social media link. You can experiment with new eating habits with the help of this great food diary application.

3. FastHabit


For staying in shape, it is one of the best free intermittent fasting apps. FastHabit is a useful piece of software because it includes features like a stats monitor, calendar, reminders, and the option to connect with your Apple Watch. With your intermittent fasting weight loss quest, it will help you stay on track.

FastHabit is an app that may easily accommodate you if your fasting objectives change frequently. In addition, it might adapt to whatever fasting window you set up in order to take into account your shifting preferences.

4. BodyFast


To stay in shape, are you looking for the well-known Intermittent Fasting Apps? Another well-liked option you might want to look into is BodyFast, which is trusted by over 25 million individuals worldwide. You can fix any problems you’ve had with intermittent fasting by using the many meal-planning and fasting ideas it includes.

You can switch back and forth between the various types of intermittent fasting plans depending on your objectives and situation. In addition, it offers you trophies as incentives and challenges to complete to keep you engaged.

5. DoFasting


As it is loaded with all the necessary Intermittent Fasting weight loss tools, DoFasting is your one-stop-shop for all the information and instruction on intermittent fasting.

If we’re talking about the best intermittent fasting apps, this one contains a tonne of articles, exercise videos, recipes, trackers, and expert-recommended tips that are based on science. In addition, you may create daily, weekly, and monthly meal plans and compare them to your daily caloric consumption to better understand your progress.

DoFasting can offer insightful data in addition to tracking your weight, daily steps, and water intake.

6. Fastic


Fastic is a great place to start your weight loss journey because it features a sizable community of other intermittent fasters with whom you can connect and get support. You should try it because it is one of the best apps for intermittent fasting.

A step counter, a hydration tracker, and a fasting timer are all included in the free version. However, in order to access other crucial features like challenges, recipes, and more, you must upgrade to their premium plan.

Additionally, by rewarding you with points and other rewards, this free intermittent fasting app does a great job of keeping you engaged throughout the procedure.

7. Fastient


If you’re looking for a straightforward intermittent fasting app that does the absolute least, Fastient is the best option.

It’s loaded with features like journaling and progress tracking that you’ll probably use frequently. Additionally, it shows all the pertinent information about your journey, like your longest fast and how much weight you have dropped thus far.

You might access other great features and post progress photographs in their premium edition.

8. Life Fasting Tracker

Life Fasting Tracker

To share progress with people travelling the same path as you, Life Fasting Tracker is an excellent app. It inspires you to make plans, carry them out, and hold yourself responsible.

The Life Fasting app has the following features:

  • tracking and recording your progress.
  • Science-based hints and techniques.
  • integrates with wearables to make tracking simpler.
  • It offers a variety of windows & strategies for intermittent fasting.

The best security technology ensures that every piece of information you enter into Life Fasting Tracker is completely safe.


The best Intermittent Fasting Apps for your smartphone will point you in the right direction if you want to start practising intermittent fasting.

Each one of them enables you to start the programme for free, evaluate it, and choose whether it’s the best fit for you. To find the desired variety, you can pick one option or explore many.

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